Tuesday 21 August 2007

10 new divisions in the new Cairns Regional Council

The Electoral Commission is currently considering submissions to ensure that each of the 10 new divisions in the new Cairns Regional Council has an approximately equal number of electors; ie around 8,200 in each one.

The commission is supposed to complete this task by 24th September so let's hope that they keep to their schedule. Meanwhile, we can make some guesses. Division 1 will keep its name and expand from the current 6,000 voters in Mirriwinni, Babinda, Bramston Beach, Gordonvale etc to gain an extra 2,000 voters in Edmonton and East Trinity. This means that the current division 2 will have to push north into the Whiterock area to get its quota of voters.

Division 3 will be left with only half its constituents and will have to encompass almost all of the current division 4. Does this mean goodbye Paul Freebody?

Going north, a new division 10 will take in all of the Douglas Shire plus Palm Cove and Clifton Beach and a new division 9 is likely to include all the remaining northern beaches. Sno where will you go?

The main part of the city will be covered by the new divisions 5, 6, and 7.

The Cairns1st candidates are keen to know the boundaries so that they can get out there and start knocking on doors. Whilst it's a time of uncertainty we are all still out there listening to people, attending functions and raising our profiles.

We don't have developer money behind us so will be holding functions to raise the funds necessary to run a campaign and buy all the media we need. And no - unlike federal government candidates - we don't get any funding from the government!

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