Monday 7 January 2008

Back in Cairns

I have just arrived back in Cairns after spending 3 weeks in Tasmania helping my brothers with the big task of sorting out the property where my mother lived. Lots of wonderful memories but a big emotional wrench for me to drive away from the family home that I have lived in, laughed in and loved all my life.
It will now be full-on planning, meeting people and campaigning for the next 9 weeks and 5 days til the 15 March local government election.
The Cairns 1st candidates - Richie Bates, Mark Buttrose, Kirsten Lesina, Diane Forsyth, Paul Matthews - have been getting positive feedback that residents want a change; they want fresh faces, new leadership and more real engagement with the community.
We promise to give that to all residents and I look forward to meeting numerous people over the next weeks and listening to and talking about the issues that concern us.

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