Tuesday 30 October 2007

A day is a long time in politics

Today I was diverted from interviewing two potential candidates for divisions by an extraordinary email from Cr Paul Freebody who represents division 4. It is almost incomprehensible that an elected representative would state, "I will not rest until I have destroyed you and your grubby little mates! . . . . you have shown you are a low life and I will treat you as such from now on!"

I have passed this on to the media as I think that the general public need to be made aware that this is how a member of the Unity team communicates. This attack seems to have arisen from some mistaken beliefs that he holds.

In addition to this out-of-the-blue threat from Cr Freebody, the Cairns Post ran with some inaccurate and dishonest remarks from Robert Pyne who has chosen to withdraw from my team. Rob knows that Cairns1st is not a Labor team and he knows that there has been no Labor input into any of the policies that we've developed over the past months.

THE new amalgamated Cairns Regional Council will require teamwork, common purpose and effective representation and this is why I am coordinating a team of independent candidates from a broad cross-section of the community.

I value the independence of councillors, but there is a difference between being an independent and being a maverick.

While I am sorry to lose my friend Robert Pyne from my team, I’m afraid there is no room for people who are driven by emotions rather than by what is best for the people of our region.

Yes, it has been a long day but my team are all resilient, positive and focussed and we will be staying that way for the next 4 months.


Anonymous said...

Dear Val,
You don't know me, however I thank you for bringing this into the public arena. I am just one of the silent majority who is appalled enough to respond!!
I'm disgusted at such unsavoury behaviour, and I wish you well in the future.

Anonymous said...

If you'd stop letting the guy from the blood bank, not even an Australian mind you, stir up lies about your opponents you'd be much better off.

Note also that he's been forced to apologise to the mayor for his libelous comments on his blog. And I'm sure this will be only the first in several legal actions.

When you lay down with pigs, you can't be surprised when everyone assumes you're also one.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Val, we certainly need to change this current council with their arrogant bully boy tactics.
You have shown great leadership and constraint in addressing the cowardly attacks on you and your dedicated and committed Cairns1st Alliance members.