Wednesday 10 October 2007

Living in the Tropics

We don't think the current council does enough to encourage good tropical design or minimise energy use. Having air conditioners in every room is just not good enough. We need to enhance our outdoor lifestyle by doing what the early settlers did when they created the "old Queenslander": use louvres, balconies, high ceilings and features to keep the heat out and the breezes flowing.


Anonymous said...

Yes. Controlling the breezes and airflow like a captain on a (sailing) ship. Our council needs a new captain too. Go Val.

Anonymous said...

It would be great if we could all be like you, but some of us need air conditoners for medical reasons. It's a bit norrow minded of you to think this way.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more Val, the Q'lder was designed to enable the best use of the natural elements to keep us cool, why is it so hard in this day of advanced technology to design houses or units that use natural air flow - it's gotta be cheaper and healthier. You've got my vote Val.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Val is trying to stop ALL airconditioning, just the concept that there is no other way. I live in a Queenslander with aircon in the bedrooms, some nights I need it to get to sleep but with fans and high ceilings it is not often. In block built buildings the heat retained by the blocks necessitates air con all summer, our current Council has no steps in place to motivate or encourage sustainable, environmental buildings. Keep going Val.