Monday 29 October 2007

Having the right people for 15 March '08

It's been great over the past couple of weeks to interview very high calibre people who would like to be candidates in the couple of divisions we haven't yet finalised. It's also good to know that there are people who are motivated to make a difference, have a vision of a different Cairns and are not just out for their own personal gain. Or wanting to push a particular agenda.

At the Industrial Relations forum last week, John McKenzie commented favourably on the commitment of the candidates who have put themselves forward for Leichhardt and the hard work that they are doing.

It's not easy to put yourself in the public eye knowing that there will be people who want to have a go at you, try to bring you down, make incorrect claims or take cheap shots.

Fortunately, I am privileged to be working with people who are really focussed on the vision that we have developed and on winning office in March next year. They know that it won't be easy. We don't have a huge campaign budget but we do have a passion for our region and a belief that we won't have good local government unless we have the very best candidates who are clear that they are there to represent all of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who have you got for division 10?