Sunday 24 February 2008

Another debate: Chamber of Commerce and CBWC

After the Engineer's lunch on Wednesday, there was a much more restrained atmosphere at the Chamber of Commmerce and Cairns Business Women's Club Mayoral debate on Friday at the Cairns International.

It was $55 a head so there were not too many ordinary voters present and there was a real sense that it was a pro-Kevin crowd.

Most of my candidates and supporters decided that I could handle KB without their support and that their time was better spent out in the suburbs where the election will be decided.

I was able to raise a number of points which demonstrated the clear choice that can be made on 15th March. Deputy Mayor Margaret Gill expressed concern that a group called PALM was going to force her to have to close her windows or get double glazing and sound proofing at her Esplanade unit.

PALM - People Advocating Live Music - is a large and growing group which thinks that the city has lost much of its vibrancy and soul with the closure of live music venues. They are wanting to explore the establishment of a music precinct in the city and are looking for industry, local and state government support for more opportunities to play and perform.

This is something that Cairns 1st will support. City centres need to be exciting and creative places where tourists and locals come to engage with one another and help build diverse cultures.

Yes, the needs of retirees and unit dwellers need to be taken into account but not at the expense of deadening the city's heart.

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