Wednesday, 13 February 2008

KB goes, "Me too" with Cairns 1st community engagement policies!

I smiled when I saw that Kevin Byrne had pinched the policy of the previous Team 04 Cairns and the current Cairns 1st Alliance and has advertised that he is going to "hold council and divisional meetings in the Port Douglas and Mossman areas."

I have already announced that the second full council meeting of the new Cairns Regional Council will be held in Mossman. It will be important for me to take the 9 southern councillors north. We will take additional time prior to the meeting and allow local groups to have deputations to the full council and senior staff so that we can really get out heads around the issues in the area.

We will take the promise further and have Babinda and Gordonvale as locations where we will be holding future meetings. Our "Mexicans" also think that they miss out.

It is interesting that KB and Unity are suddenly thinking about community engagement after 8 years of never holding a full council meeting off site.

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