Tuesday, 8 April 2008

The first few days of being mayor

After all the unofficial functions and meetings over the past 3 weeks, I am now officially on full-time duty as Mayor of the Cairns Regional Council.

I am nearly on top of all of the congratulatory and other emails and am responding to the myriad of invitations that are coming in. It's great that lots of groups, committees and people want to meet their new mayor and have a chat and I am trying to get to as many events and meetings as I can.

Being presented with a history book by the 10 students of Bartle Frere school - the southernmost in the region - has been a highlight as was seeing Cr Kirsten Lesina graduate in Law at the Convention Centre on Saturday (pictured with Lecturer, Mandy Shircore and the dean of the law Faculty), and attending a very positive meeting with the Board of Advance Cairns yesterday.

Over the next two days the seven new councillors will join with our four continuing colleagues to be comprehensively briefed by the General Managers of the various Council work units. Acting CEO Noel Briggs and his staff have worked hard to pull together all the information that will need to be covered and this is really appreciated.

The first major meeting of the Council will be on 24th April and the agenda is huge. We are all on a rapid learning curve and soaking up all the knowledge needed to be able to make the best possible decisions for people in the region. We won't be able to please everybody but we will be open and honest about how we make decisions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The public sees the new Council as making a very bad start with the huge salaries the Councillors have voted themselves. You have stumbled at the starting line, a stumble which will take a lot of hard work to make up.