Wednesday, 2 April 2008

"Swearing in" ceremony tomorrow: Thurs 3 April

I have been up early working on my address for the "Swearing in" ceremony and the first meeting of the new Cairns Regional Council on Thursday at 9.45 am at the Cairns Regional Council chambers in Draper St, Cairns. 
I don't actually become Mayor until then. 
Everyone is invited and there will be signs to guide people up the lift to the third floor.  The ceremony will start at 10am and people can leave after that if they have to get back to work or can stay for the first council meeting and then morning tea.
As well as family and friends of councillors, there will be Cairns 1st supporters, former mayors, state and federal politicians and lots of people who have never ever set foot in the Council building previously.
There is an air of excitement and I am hoping to be able to capture some of that feel in my address.  Everyone is welcome. 

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