Friday, 4 April 2008

we must get the website updated!

I've had a few comments from people telling me I must get the website updated.

Yes, we will . . . . . . eventually. I think that the energy in getting to election day has been spent and we need to take a break before we get back into it.

I sent a message to all the supporters - 500 of them on the database - thanking people for helping in so many different ways: donating money, letterboxing, putting up corflute signs, door knocking, working at a polling booth, selling and buying raffle tickets, organising fundraisers, writing letters to the editor, organising street stalls, designing ads, donating raffle prizes, visiting people who needed postal votes, answering the phone, entering data etc etc etc. It's all a bit overwhelming.

Now everyone is sitting back a bit and luxuriating in the victory but we will get our act together and get the website updated. Gabi Cooney of Just Purple New Media created the site and has been maintaining it. A wonderful, wonderful donation to the campaign.

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