Sunday, 30 March 2008

Joining in the Earth Hour event

Several hundred people came together last night to recognise the symbolic gesture of us switching off lights for an hour to bring attention to the need to reduce energy use and address the critical issue of global warming and climate change.
The event at CoCA was sponsored by Cairns Regional Council, Ergon, the Cairns Post, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Ochre Restaurant and Catering (thanks Craig for the fab food) and Lincolne Scott who paid for the offsetting to make the event climate neutral.
I spoke about the Cairns region being particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change which will affect the reef, the rainforest, our economy, industries, food production and the habitability of our wonderful tropical region.
It's good to know that we now have leadership at both a national and local level (no more saying that the jury is still out on the impacts of human activity on climate!) to take the issue seriously and plan a more sustainable way of inhabiting planet earth.
As Mayor, I want this region to take a proactive role in addressing climate change and sustainability issues to ensure the best possible future for our children, our communities, our economy and our environment.
Turning off the lights for an hour was one small step; our challenge is to make a difference in other broader ways and the new Cairns Regional Council can be a model for how other businesses can act.  

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Summit of Mayors

It was great to be one of the 73 Mayors of Queensland local government councils at a meeting in Parliament House on Thursday.
Premier Anna Bligh brought everyone together to talk about the new era in local government in Queensland and the challenges ahead: dealing with population growth as southerners move north; planning for infrastructure and transport; planning for the impacts of climate change on our coastal communities; working in partnerships with the state and federal goverments.
I took the opportunity to have a chat with mayors from the aboriginal communities and to meet with the nearby regional mayors: Tom Gilmore from the Tablelands, Peter Scott from the Cook Shire and Bill Shannon from the new Cassowary Coast Council.
We agreed that we need to collaborate in as many ways as possible to build Tropical North Queensland and to lobby to ensure that the north gets its fair share of resources.   

Sunday, 23 March 2008

My loyal supporter Marlee

Marlee (aged 12, nearly 13) has just ruined her fingernails tearing my photograph off the back of the car window. We've taken a photo and she's now extending her skills learning to send it from the mobile phone to this blog.

The photo hasn't arrived yet but here is Marlee (right) and Malindi - possible future mayors of the Cairns region, or prime ministers - on election night.

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Catching up on sleep etc

Seven hours sleep last night. Bliss.

Now that I have belatedly learnt to post via email, I will be able to do all the stuff that I had planned to do during the campaign; ie, to post something every day so that site visitors didn't find a week-long gap between messages.

After two days with the phone turned off and limited access to emails, I ventured out of seclusion to the Yungaburra markets this morning. The congratulations from various people were tempered by a woman who abruptly asked, "When are we getting new all weather roads in the Northern Beaches?"

She was not at all impressed when I told her that, whilst Kevin Byrne had promised this in 2000 and 2004, I had never actually promised it as I needed to talk with main roads and council staff around priority road works. She didn't want to hear this so I am assuming that she was not one of the majority of residents of the Northern Beaches who voted for me.

The Yungaburra markets are great with all their local products and craft, rivalled only by the Port Douglas markets. Two young women persuaded me to buy a necklace cleverly created from buttons; an innovative idea and a great price at only $20.

I look forward to being able to wear and promote locally designed clothing and jewellery.

Friday, 21 March 2008

Posting a blog via email

Up at Bonneterre on Lake Tinaroo being looked after beautifully by James and Sarah and - as always with James - learning new things, including how to post to this blog from any email address.

There are constant changes in technology and communications and I try to keep up with how younger generations are communicating and finding information.

One of the new challenges in Council is going to be building on and strengthening the strategies Council staff and councillors use to impart and receive information.

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Off for three days break

I am heading off for a three-day break - my first in 11 weeks - after the excitement of the last few days.

I had not anticipated how much of a slice of me the various media outlets would want and the phone has been running hot. I am proud to be a role model for women, particularly young women, so have been open to all media.

I've had phone calls from as far away as Rajasthan, Vienna and Singapore and numerous email, phone and text messages including one from a young friend who is leading a walking tour on the Overland track in Tasmania. News has travelled fast. Forgive me if I have not answered yet.

I have also met with Acting Cairns Regional Council CEO, Noel Briggs, around drafting the agenda for the swearing-in statutory meeting that will occur on Thursday 3 April after the declaration of the poll. More details later for those who want to come along to this historic event.

One of the things I have asked for is that we commence the meeting with a welcome from the traditional owners of the land. This will send a clear message that we acknowledge and respect the indigenous peoples in this region.

A message for your Mind and Heart

Yesterday a wonderful 79-years-young woman told me how she had campaigned for me in her area of Woree.

We met 5 years ago and she has always been positive that I would eventually win the mayoralty.
Lidia has European background and knew that doorknocking was not the way to go with her language skills. Instead she spent hours hand writing and delivering 300 envelopes to all the neighbouring streets, addressed: "A message for your Mind and Heart".

Inside, a simple, "Who loves Cairns, will vote for Val."

How inspiring and motivating to have such supporters.

Monday, 17 March 2008

Excitement mixed with sadness and disappointment

Whilst the prospect of leading the new amalgamated Cairns Regional Council is exciting, I can't feel really jubilant as I won't have by my side four of the candidates who ran with me.

Mark Buttrose, Paul Matthews, Richie Bates and Janine Aitken were all quality aspirants for divisional councillor positions. I had wanted Mark's urban planning and design knowledge and skills, Paul's passion for the environment and his wonderful sense of humour, Richie's dedication, commitment and capacity for hard work and Janine's youthful enthusiasm and desire for us to take the impacts of climate change seriously.

They have all accepted their loss graciously and have promised continuing support for me.

It's going to be great to have Di Forsyth in division 8 with her experience in community services and I will be delighted if Jeff Martinuzzi can maintain his lead in division 2 and be there with his common sense, his stability and the knowledge he brings from being a 4th generation Cairns resident.

Kirsten Lesina in division 2 has run perhaps the most impressive campaign and is still in with a chance. Discounted by many because of her youth - she is 21 - Kirsten worked and walked and talked and listened to thousands of people over the past few months. Voters realised that she has the drive to listen to them and work for them full-time and have given her a huge measure of support.

58% of people have indicated that they do not want Paul Freebody to represent them but unfortunately too many of Norman Miller's supporters have not given the desired second preference that Kirsten needs. We will await this decision with fingers crossed and will hopefully have a positive decision when the poll is declared next week after the Easter break and all postal votes are in.

The congratulatory messages have been overwhelming

I am delighted and excited that the people of the region have trusted me with the Mayoral position for the next 4 years. I take my responsibilities very seriously and will move to address the key challenges that the region will face.

I should be in bed trying to catch up on some sleep after the marvellous - and unexpected for some - poll result but have been working my way through a couple of hundred emails.

My victory over Kevin Byrne seems to have touched people and they have been motivated to let me know how they feel. I am honoured that so many people see this as the dawn of a new era in local government after 8 years of the Byrne Unity approach.

People have clearly rejected that style of leadership and have commented that they embrace my approach of openness, honesty and transparency mixed with friendliness and respect for all people and diverse views.

I copped a couple of sharp text messages and emails about agreeing to appear on John McKenzie's radio program this coming Wednesday. I find that quite odd; there is no reason why John's listeners don't have a right to be able to present their issues and receive answers from me.

I have also agreed to do a regular spot on Port Douglas radio and on Sea FM from time to time. I will also be starting Val's Fortnightly Email, shamelessly modelled on the one that Clover Moore has been producing for the last 4 years in Sydney.

It's all about being open and accessible and finding a variety of ways to listen to, advise, connect and inform the constituents of this big region. I am very much looking forward to the declaration of the poll and the opportunity to lead the new amalgamated council.

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Infrastructure and planning policy

Here's a link to our infrastructure and planning policy.

All of our detailed policies are available at the website. Ring any of the candidates to get more details. You can get a hard copy by calling in to our Campaign Office at 393 Sheridan St (4032 2882) or we are happy to send you a copy as an email attachment if you prefer.

What a week it's been

I had intended to post messages every couple of days but it's been so full-on with campaigning that I've just discovered it's been a week since I last wrote about helping out with Clean Up Australia activities.

We were at Mossman and Port Douglas on Tuesday when Port got 446mls of rain in 24 hours; the worst rain since 1904. I've lived in the tropics for decades and it was the heaviest rain I've ever experienced.

Back at Machans I got stranded on Wednesday, had to get out by boat to continue campaigning and had to stay with friends until I could get back home on Thursday evening.

Meanwhile, we are getting lots of positive feedback from the pre-polling booth at the Cairns Showgrounds where voters have been giving the Cairns 1st candidates and me a thumbs up when they come out of the booth.

The rain has revealed some of the poor planning decisions of the Kevin Byrne Council. Check out our Infrastructure and Planning Policy ( We will put into place community-based planning, not only to respond to floods but for the casualties that may occur and the evacuations that will be necessary with increased cyclonic activities and tidal and storm surges.

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Clean up Australia day today

Early start this morning to join in Clean up Australia Day activities with the Treeforce mob at lower Freshwater Road.

There was a good turnout and Mark Buttrose and Paul Matthews made it a trio of Cairns 1st scavengers getting muddy along the creek bank.

Along with mattresses and pieces of foam, car tyres, cables, carpet and other miscellaneous rubbish Stella, unexpectedly, found a bunch (is that the collective noun?) of boomerangs. There was much speculation as to how they might have got there.

Afterwards it was off to Rusty's market to talk to voters, a meeting with Lynnette to get the next advertisement designed (no such luxury as a paid advertising agency), some doorknocking before it rained, then a media relase about the sports policy, signing off on the How to Vote cards, meeting with someone who wanted to disclose some Council wrong-doing, a quick catch up of emails.

I have had many more people ringing and emailing me than during last campaign. I hope it means that there is a lot more interest in finding out just who I am. Last time lots of people told me that they didn't want to vote for KB but they didn't know enough about me to give me a vote.

It's almost bedtime, but I need to prepare for the sustainability forum being held by CAFNEC at the Court House hotel tomorrow. I hear that KB won't be there; apparently, he's designated Terry James to deputise for him as he mistakenly believes that I had something to do with the organisation of the event. Surely that can't be the case.

Perhaps it is that Kevin is clearly not comfortable around people who have different ideas and opinions or who challenge him. I am looking forward to the forum.