Early start this morning to join in Clean up Australia Day activities with the Treeforce mob at lower Freshwater Road.
There was a good turnout and Mark Buttrose and Paul Matthews made it a trio of Cairns 1st scavengers getting muddy along the creek bank.
Along with mattresses and pieces of foam, car tyres, cables, carpet and other miscellaneous rubbish Stella, unexpectedly, found a bunch (is that the collective noun?) of boomerangs. There was much speculation as to how they might have got there.
Afterwards it was off to Rusty's market to talk to voters, a meeting with Lynnette to get the next advertisement designed (no such luxury as a paid advertising agency), some doorknocking before it rained, then a media relase about the sports policy, signing off on the How to Vote cards, meeting with someone who wanted to disclose some Council wrong-doing, a quick catch up of emails.
I have had many more people ringing and emailing me than during last campaign. I hope it means that there is a lot more interest in finding out just who I am. Last time lots of people told me that they didn't want to vote for KB but they didn't know enough about me to give me a vote.
It's almost bedtime, but I need to prepare for the sustainability forum being held by CAFNEC at the Court House hotel tomorrow. I hear that KB won't be there; apparently, he's designated Terry James to deputise for him as he mistakenly believes that I had something to do with the organisation of the event. Surely that can't be the case.
Perhaps it is that Kevin is clearly not comfortable around people who have different ideas and opinions or who challenge him. I am looking forward to the forum.
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